Buddhism MCQ Questions and Answers

Buddhism MCQ Questions and Answers (based on previous-year questions) focuses on all topics of Buddhism ancient Indian history, covering 80 questions. You should practice these MCQs for 30 minutes daily for 1-2 months. This way of systematic learning will prepare you easily for UPSC, SSC, C-TET, State PSC Bank PO, Clerk, and various competitive exams conducted by the Central government or State Govt.

This MCQ series is available in various Indian languages. Choose your preferred language from the drop-down menu below.

17. Which of the events of Buddhas life is known as Mahabhinishkramana?

[A] His death
[B] His birth
[C] His departure from home
[D] His attainment of enlightenment

18. Which of these is another name of Buddha?

[A] Parth
[B] Prachhanna
[C] Siddhartha
[D] Gudakesh

19. Tripitaka is associated with which of the following?

[A] Jains
[B] Buddhists
[C] Sikhs
[D] Hindus

20. Where is the highest in the world Vishwa Shanti Stup located in Bihar?

[A] Vaishali
[B] Nalanda
[C] Rajgir
[D] Patna

21. The Giant Buddha statue of 80 feet at Bodh Gaya was constructed by

[A] Japanese
[B] People of Thailand (Thai)
[C] Srilankan
[D] Bhutanese

22. Where the word Stupa has been used for the first time?

[A] Rigveda
[B] Jatak Katha
[C] Artha Shastra
[D] Astadhyayee

23. The Stupa site which is not connected with any incident of Lord Buddhas life, is

[A] Sarnath
[B] Sanchi
[C] Bodh Gaya
[D] Kusinara

24. Amravati stupa was built during the period of

[A] Maurya
[B] Satvahanas
[C] Gupta
[D] Harshaverdhana

25. World is unstable and transient is related to which of the following?

[A] Buddhism
[B] Jainism
[C] Gita
[D] Vedanta

26. Who among the following is known as the Light of Asia?

[A] Gautama Buddha
[B] Mahatma Gandhi
[C] Mahavir Swami
[D] Swami Vivekanand

27. Who amongst the following is known as the Light of Asia?

[A] Jesus Christ
[B] Lord Buddha
[C] Paigamber Mohammad
[D] Zarathustra

28. Sir Edwin Arnold book The Light of the Asia is based on

[A] Divavadana
[B] Lalitvistar
[C] Suttapitak
[D] Abhidhammapitak

29. What is the fundamental difference between Hinayana and Mahayana sects of Buddhism?

[A] Belief in Non-violence
[B] Caste free society
[C] Worship of God and Goddess
[D] Worship of stupas

30. Gautama Buddha was elevated to the position of God during the period of

[A] Ashoka
[B] Kanishka
[C] Chandragupta Vikramaditya
[D] Harsha

31. The first human statue worshipped in India were those of

[A] Brahma
[B] Vishnu
[C] Buddha
[D] Shiva

32. Which of the following laid the foundation of idol worship in the country?

[A] Jainism
[B] Buddhism
[C] Ajivikas
[D] Vedic religion

Overview of the Buddhism MCQ Questions and Answers (Multiple-Choice-Questions)

1. The set has 80 questions and answers: "Buddhism," "Ancient History on Buddhism Questions and Answers," and "Buddhism mock test."
2. Developed for competitive exams such as the CTET, UPSC, SSC, Railway, Banking, and several tests conducted by state and Central governments.
3. Beneficial for students enrolled in various Indian education boards such as SEBA, CBSE, and others.
4. The suggested study approach is focusing 30 minutes a day on Buddhism multiple-choice questions.
5. Recommended books for reference.
6. Buddhism questions and answers are available for download in PDF format.

Ancient History on Buddhism Best Books:

  • India’s Ancient Past by R.S. Sharma published by Oxford University Press.
  • A History of Ancient & Early Medieval India by Upinder Singh.
  • History of Medieval India (800–1700 AD) by Satish Chandra published by Orient Longman.
  • History of Modern India by Bipin Chandra.
  • India's Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra & Others.
  • India After Independence (1947 - 2000) by Bipin Chandra & Others.
  • From Plassey To Partition And After by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay.

You can buy these Ancient Indian History on Buddhism books from Amazon India or Flipkart.
If you would like to learn "Buddhism ancient Indian history" thoroughly, you should attempt to work on the complete set of MCQs—multiple-choice questions and answers mentioned above. It will be immensely helpful to anyone trying to crack an exam or an interview.

Note: You can download the Buddhism questions and answers in pdf format at the last question of the MCQ series.
I wish you the best in your endeavour to learn and master ancient Indian history on Buddhism.

B. Debnath

I am a banking professional and the founder of GK Unboxing. My love for knowledge is what motivated me to create GK Unboxing, where I want to make learning easy and fun. I am here to help you explore the world of Assam General Knowledge, Indian General Knowledge, Banking Knowledge, Computer Awareness, and many more topics through interactive quizzes, MCQ's, mock tests, informative content, and more. Welcome to GK unboxing!

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